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6 Mistakes to Avoid When Designing Your Bathroom

Designing your bathroom is one of those exciting projects that grants an opportunity to create your very own oasis, where you can unwind and relax in a space that is both beautiful and functional.  To achieve this goal effectively, however, your bathroom project requires proper planning and consideration as it is easy to make mistakes that can compromise functionality, or the overall design of your bathroom. Check out six common mistakes to avoid when designing your bathroom, right here.


Don’t ignore the need for proper ventilation as it is crucial to prevent moisture buildup, mold growth, and unpleasant odors in the bathroom space. Failing to install adequately sized windows or an exhaust fan, where applicable, can lead to a damp and stuffy environment which can cause damage to your bathroom, or worse, over time. Leave open bathroom windows and maintain your exhaust fan over time to allow for constant air circulation.


Do not underestimate the power of lighting in spaces like the bathroom.  Lighting plays a significant role in creating the desired ambiance and is very functional in the bathroom since relying solely on overhead lighting may create shadows which complicates tasks like applying makeup, shaving or even bathing difficult. Incorporate a combination of ambient lighting, task lighting such as vanity lights, and accent lighting into your bathroom design to create a well-lit and inviting space.


Bathrooms are commonly smaller than other rooms in a building or home and as such, can become quite cluttered without intention.  This clutter can be distractive from the overall aesthetic and functionality of the space, not to mention, quite dangerous, so failing to incorporate sufficient storage solutions into the bathroom design can lead to a cramped or disorganized bathroom. Include plans for ample storage space in your cabinetry, shelving or built-in hidden alcoves to keep your bathroom organized and tidy.


Despite the intended goal being your personal oasis, privacy is an important consideration in bathroom designs, particularly if the space is shared by multiple family members or guests.  The need to share this space could happen at any given time and failing to account for privacy can lead to very uncomfortable situations and a lack of personal space. Be sure to consider features like frosted glass, or strategic designs that purposely partition the elements in this space to create private zones. Note also that the placement of a bathroom in your overall plan should always allow for adequate privacy, away from common areas in the structure.


While aesthetics is certainly important, it is crucial that you choose sustainable materials for use in a bathroom environment. For this space, you should opt for more moisture-resistant and easy to clean materials, as failing to do so can lead to costly repairs, replacements and overall maintenance in the future. Materials like ceramic tiles, concrete and engineered quartz are very durable surfaces in the bathroom, while waterproof and easy to maintain fixtures and fittings made of metals like brass, nickel or bronze, are great choices since they withstand moisture and ‘wear and tear’ very well. Where possible, avoid using iron in this space as it can oxidize and rust over time, especially in tropical environments. Find the latest and most durable fixtures and fittings at our sister store, Blueprint Imports, where we import some of the leading European brands in building materials, equipment and finishes, to ensure a perfect blend of beauty, affordability and reliability.


With increasing environmental concerns and a need for everyone to do their part in order to increase sustainability, it's critical that we all ponder on ways to incorporate more sustainable design elements into our building and renovation projects. By overlooking eco-friendlier options available today, results can include higher utility bills and a larger carbon footprint. The bathroom is an excellent place where sustainability can be incorporated through water-saving fixtures, energy-efficient lighting and materials with low volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions. Additionally, explore options for incorporating renewable energy sources, such as solar-powered ventilation and water heating systems, to further reduce your bathroom's carbon footprint.

Through proper planning and avoiding these mistakes, you can create a bathroom that is not only aesthetically pleasing but also meets with your functional needs, promotes comfort and supports an environmentally conscious mindset. At Blueprint Management and Blueprint Imports, we always ensure there is careful consideration given to factors just like these and more.  From concept and design to the finished project, we will ensure a process that is well-rounded and comprehensive.  Contact us today for your very own future-proof bathroom design!

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